The Portuguese-Belgian-Luxembourg Chamber of Commerce is pleased to announce that on March 23 it organised a webinar in collaboration with TIAO.

Re-watch the event here

• To discuss changes in the business environment during and after the lockdown
• To show members how to use the platform
• Engage and motivate members by showing best practices and success stories

1. Introducing trends and patterns of the business environment during and after the lockdown To update on current developments, share and discuss ideas for future direction(s)
2. Showing CONNECTS (company’s view) How it works and what companies can do when they log in
3. Skills development and Best Practice Sharing To engage and share best operational practice
4. Sharing experience • Case studies and successes

Outcome After the webinar, members will be able to:
• understand how to use CONNECTS;
• Understand how to use CONNECTS for company’s benefits
• include CONNECTS in their working routine (don’t think about the platform as it is an additional/extra tool)
• to engage other colleagues, such as responsible for communications or business development in using CONNECTS in an integrated way for their area of responsibility

For further information on the Chamber visit us at

If you have any questions or would like to know more about the Chamber’s future events contact us at